A mobile app-based intervention improves anthropometry, body composition and fitness, regardless of previous active-inactive status: a randomized controlled trial
Gómez Cuesta, Nerea; Mateo Orcajada, Adrián; Meroño, Lourdes; Abenza Cano, Lucía; Vaquero Cristóbal, RaquelFecha
Actividad Física y DeporteMateria/s
Body compositionAnthropometry
Mobile phone
Mobile application
Healthy lifestyle
Physical activity
Introduction: The use of mobile apps to promote physical activity in adolescents
can improve health-related parameters. However, previous studies have not
evaluated whether the benefits depend on the users’ prior active or inactive
status. Therefore, the main objective was to analyze differences in physical
activity levels, adherence to the Mediterranean diet (AMD), anthropometry, body
composition, and physical fitness between active and inactive adolescents.
Methods: The study was conducted through a randomized controlled trial
(RCT) with 462 adolescents, divided into experimental (EG) and control groups
(CG), further categorized as active and inactive. Variables of physical activity,
kinanthropometry, body composition, and physical fitness were measured
before (pre-test) and after (post-test) a 10-week intervention using steptracking
apps (Strava, Pacer, MapMyWalk, and PokémonGo) at least three times
per week.
Results: The results showed that inactive EG adolescents sign...