Validity and reliability of a unique aerobic field test for estimating VO 2 max among basketball players and the differences by gender, ages and relative age effect
Gottlieb, RonenFecha
Actividad Física y DeporteMateria/s
Basketball players
Fitness field test
Gender Maximal aerobic capacity
Performance analysis of sport
Relative Age Effect
Yo-Yo recovery 1Test
The game of basketball is characterized by short and intense bouts of activity at medium to high frequency. Basketball entails specific types of movements, physiological requirements and energy sources. The duration of physiological responses involving ATP, CP and glycolysis responses to this type of activity is 5-6 seconds for a single sprint, and a contribution of the aerobic system is of less than 10%. Recovery periods in basketball, as a rule, are not long enough to fill the gap for such high intensity activities. It is hard to achieve the same level of performance consistently over time in repeated sprints. This means that basketball players need great athletic ability in order to demonstrate speed, strength and power required to produce a successful performance most proficiently. Therefore, tests are needed to help coaches to monitor their players and ensure that they have the physiological capacity required for the game. The aim of fitness tests is to assess the condition of ath...