Costs of quality assurance in the German medical market.
Tehrani, MajidFecha
Quality AssuranceCosts of Quality Assurance
German Medical Market
Health Care
Quality Management
Administrative Costs
The central subject of this dissertation, combined with a methodological study, is the economic analysis of Quality Assurance in the German health care system.
With the help of the study an estimate of the total costs in the German health care market shall be given. The focus of the analysis is on Companies, Political Bodies, Liberal Professions and Public Corporations which are part of the health care system including Certification Bodies, which lead to costs from using Quality Assurance and interacting with the health care system.
First, a systematic literature search was conducted to determine the costs.
It was found that there are no articles or publications that address the topic of total cost of quality assurance. A continuation/update of existing studies was therefore not possible.
To be able to estimate the total costs of Quality Assurance in the German health care market, the Quality Assurance costs were surveyed using a bottom-up analysis.
After identifying organizations...