Longitudinal Study on the Effects of Formative and Shared Assessment on Pre-Service Teacher Education
Actividad Física y DeporteMateria/s
Pre-service teacher educationAcademic performance
Shared assessment
Evaluación compartida
Formación inicial del profesorado
Evaluación formativa
Rendimiento académico
Formative assessment
This study presents the research outcomes of a Formative and Shared Assessment experience in future Early
Childhood Education teachers over two consecutive academic years, paying special attention to the assessment
system’s advantages and disadvantages, student’s academic performance and teacher and student workload.
It was a developmental longitudinal ex-post-facto study conducted in one cohort of pre-service teacher education (PSTE), applied to two consecutive courses of the Early Childhood Education Degree related to Physical Education. The data collection instruments were an anonymous student questionnaire, validated by Castejón-Oliva et al. (2015) and the best practices reports proposed by the Formative and Shared Assessment Network, filled in by the course teachers. The results revealed that students found more advantages than disadvantages in the assessment system in both courses. Besides, academic performance was observed to be very positive, and it was higher in the second ...