Prediction of engagement in physical education through self-determination theory: Invariance across different physical activity levels
Actividad Física y DeporteMateria/s
Compromiso comportamentalMotivación
Necesidades psicológicas básicas
Behavioral engagement
Educación física
Basic psychological needs
Physical education
This study aimed to test a predictive model for behavioral engagement in physical education (PE) in the light of self-determination postulates (basic psychological needs intrinsic motivation behavioral engagement) as well as to analyze the invariance of this model according to physical activity (PA) levels. A sample of 468 12-16 physical education (PE) students completed different validated instruments. The hypothesized sequence was tested through a structural equation model. Fitting indices revealed that the model was suitable to predict engagement (χ2 [112] = 310.65, p < .001, χ2 /df = 2.77, CFI = .94, TLI =.92, RMSEA = .06, SRMR = .06). All the hypothesized relationships were significant except for the association between relatedness and intrinsic motivation (p>.05). Findings from the invariance analyses indicated that competence became more important among adolescents showing higher levels in autonomous motivation and PA while autonomy became more relevant among students showin... El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue testar un modelo predictivo del compromiso comportamental en educación física (EF) desde los postulados de la teoría de la autodeterminación (necesidades psicológicas básicas motivación intrínseca compromiso comportamen-tal) y analizar la estabilidad de dicho modelo en fun-ción del nivel de práctica de actividad física (AF). Una muestra de 468 estudiantes de educación física (EF) de entre 12 y 16 años respondieron diferentes cuestiona-rios validados. La secuencia de relaciones hipotetizada se testó a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructura-les. Los índices de ajuste indicaron que dicho modelo re-sultó adecuado para predecir el compromiso (χ2 [112] = 310.65, p < .001, χ2 /df = 2.77, CFI = .94, TLI =.92, RMSEA = .06, SRMR = .06). Todas las relaciones hipotetizadas resultaron significativas a excepción de la satisfacción de la necesidad de relación sobre la motiv...