Physical Education teachers facing the situation of distance education due to Covid-19
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Fuentes Nieto, Teresa; Jiménez Herranz, Borja; López Pastor, Víctor Manuel; Fernández Garcimartín, CarlaFecha
Actividad Física y DeporteEducación
On-line teaching
Teacher's perception
Enseñanza on-line
Percepción del profesorado
This study aims to analyse the perception of Physical Education (PE) teachers on different aspects of on-lineeducation in Spain due to the Covid-19 pandemic. An on-line questionnaire designed “ad hoc” has been applied to 526 PE teachers. The results show significant differences between a first period (March 13th-April 4th) and a second period (April 15th-end of course). Educational centres have adapted to the new circumstances in a positive way and teachers have felt less and less insecure. Most of the teachers have used a formative assessment. When grading, most of the teachers have approached what the educational legislation indicates (Order EFP / 365/2020), without fulfilling it exactly, because they have not used the third evaluation in a positive way for students who have been connected. Finally, it considers that the PE should have a more important role during confinement than the one they perceive they have had. It seems necessary to carry out more research about how PE teachers... Este estudio pretende analizar la percepción del profesorado de Educación Física (EF) sobre diferentes aspectos de la educación a distancia en España como consecuencia de la pandemia Covid-19. Se ha aplicado un cuestionario on-line diseñado ad hoc a 526 docentes de EF. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre un primer periodo (13 de marzo-4 de abril) y un segundo periodo (15 de abril-final de curso). Los centros educativos se han adaptado a las nuevas circunstancias de forma positiva y los docentes se han sentido cada vez menos inseguros. La mayoría del profesorado ha utilizado una evaluación formativa. A la hora de califi-car, la mayor parte se ha aproximado a lo que marca la legislación educativa (Orden EFP/365/2020), sin cumplir-la exactamente, dado que no han utilizado la tercera evaluación de forma positiva para los estudiantes que sí han estado conectados. Por último, consideran que la EF ...