Variación de la temperatura en las capas externas del cuerpo humano irradiado a alta frecuencia (HF)
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Martí Soler, Jose; Núñez Trigueros, María Jose; García Collado, Ángel Joaquín; Molina Cuberos, Gregorio JoséFecha
Ingeniería, Industria y ConstrucciónMateria/s
TemperaturaCuerpo humano
The absorption of energy by human external tissue
when HF irradiation and the physical consequences involved
are the purposes of this study. When it is directed toward the
surface of the skin, energy is transmitted to its inner layers
causing an increase of the temperature. This process has
experimentally been proved to be beneficial in many cases. Yet
theoretically there is still a slightly hollow basis about it.
Skin tissue is actually a multilayer tissue with a different
characteristic in each layer. Each one of them is characterized
by some parameters, such as permittivity, conductivity, density
and specific heat. Two kinds of skin tissues will be analyzed: a
fibrous and a fatty one, each of both with a different skin
humidity. Our model takes into account the heating by HF
radiation, the redistribution of energy through the tissues and
the cooling rate by blood in order to predict the increasing of
tissue temperature in differents situations.