Gestión de la reputación en redes P2P: algoritmo de reputación de p2people
Ingeniería, Industria y ConstrucciónMateria/s
In this paper, a new reputation management
system is presented for a peer-to-peer platform called
P2People. Due to peer-to-peer applications providing
anonymity features, malicious peers collectives try to
subvert these systems under self interests. So, additional
mechanisms need to be implemented to increase the
security at each node of the network. Based on human
perception of trustworthiness, the P2People reputation
algorithm tries to get accurate results in order to
minimize the number of downloads and transactions
from/with malicious peers, and at the same time to
isolate them. The simulation results shown that this first
approach gets to reduce hugely the number of corrupted
files and the contact with undesirable peers in the