Diseño de medios EBG basados en estructuras quirales
Margineda Puigpelat, Jose; Martín Rodríguez, Ernesto; García Collado, Ángel Joaquín; Molina Cuberos, Gregorio JoséFecha
Ingeniería, Industria y ConstrucciónResumen
In this work, a new EBG structure with inclusions of chiral elements is presented.
We have studied the effect of crank type chiral inclusions on the propagation along a microstrip line and compared with the effects produced by mushroom type inclusions. It has been found that the inclusion of a row of structures of high chirality on both sides of a transmission line produces a band gap of wider bandwidth, to that obtained by the inclusion of other known elements used to create EBG media such as mushroom type structures. The current structure works in X-Band (8.2-12.4 GHz) but is easily applicable to other frequencies changing the size of crank inclusions.