Ciudad, ciudadanos y patrimonio: investigar el descontento social hoy
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García Jiménez, ModestoFecha
Arte y HumanidadesCiencias de la Comunicación
Procesos de patrimonializaciónConflicto social
Nuevos planteamientos.
The problem which the social sciences currently face is not the old accusation of a lack of scientific rigor. The problem today is different. Garcia Canclini poses the question in his latest book: in this time of globalization and dispersion, or rather interdependence and instability, where is the social theory that allows us to extract observational consequences, to explain why actors behave in such different and erratic ways? The result of research on heritage in the city of Cartagena (Spain) exposes the necessity for an urgent and radical re-adaptation of the tools, and above all, the research approaches.