Adjustments in businss education for enhanced analogical transfert
Mayer, ChristianFecha
Administración y Dirección de EmpresasMateria/s
AnalogíaSector de Negocios y Comercio
In business administration many principles exist. With such principles managers often got in touch within the scope of their former education. Later, in their real business lives, they try to apply these learned principles to current problems and, thereby, reason by analogy. However, managers often fail to remember or correctly apply the principles they once learned or experienced. This can lead to wrong decisions and result in fatal company developments. Therefore, the improvement of correct retrievals of principles in adequate situations is an important issue. In order to increase the performance of the application of correct analogies, based on theoretical findings, an experiment was conducted.
Within this experiment, first, the author applied an existing model of receiving better retrievals to circumstances as they are prevailing in business education. Analogical encoding is about the comparison of situations, which has already shown successful schema abstraction and retrieval in ...